I’m 1 – Molly’s blog

This weekend was my birthday.  I’m a big girl now – I’m 1! I’ve never had a birthday before so I didn’t know what to expect.  Now I know birthdays are about balloons, having lots of people at my house, getting to play with wrapping paper and having my picture taken even more than normal.  Oh, yes there was one more thing….  Cake…. lots and lots of cake….  yummy.

Then Mum and Dad cooked a birthday feast for our family to celebrate me being with them a year.  What a happy time it’s been.

Molly’s birthday feast Continue reading

Jerk chicken, rice and beans

This is a modified version of an Ainsley Harriott recipe that has been in my scrapbook for years.  You’ll feel comforted and full when you’ve finished!

For 2 adults and a little one you will need: Continue reading